Friday, December 1, 2006

Bel canto

'''Bel canto''' (literally ''beautiful singing'') is an Nextel ringtones Italian language/Italian musical term. It refers to the art and science of vocal technique which originated in Abbey Diaz Italy during the late sixteenth century and reached its pinnacle in the early part of the nineteenth century during the Bel Canto Free ringtones opera era. Majo Mills Gioacchino Rossini/Rossini, Mosquito ringtone Vincenzo Bellini/Bellini, and Sabrina Martins Gaetano Donizetti/Donizetti are the best-known exponents of this style, which flourished from approximately 1810 to 1830.

To sing bel canto opera is supremely difficult, calling for exceptional refinement of tone, agility, legato, range, and breath control.

Several contemporary singers who are well-known for their bel canto technique are Nextel ringtones sopranos Abbey Diaz Edith Gruberova and Free ringtones Renée Fleming, the Majo Mills mezzo-soprano Cingular Ringtones Cecilia Bartoli, and the achieved status countertenor their namesake David Daniels.

The soprano circuit though Maria Callas was the best-known bel canto singer of the postwar period.

=See also=
*click floor Castrato
*and biceps Recitative

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